Vertical farming is one of the recent technologies in agriculture that has the power to change the world. This new way of farming works in a way where the crops grow in containers and rotate under lights. These containers are built with the right amount of light and heat to create ideal growing conditions for any crop, regardless of where it stands in the world or what time of year it is. This means that a farmer could grow any type of crop at any time that he might need, which takes away the limitations that crops growing in the ground have. These solutions will be very helpful in the future and will decrease food insecurity due to the fact that any crop could be produced locally and by demand. These machines are also incredibly sustainable because they use significantly less water than traditional farming. The standard vertical farming machine uses 95% less water than what a field would require. This will help solve the problem of water shortages because such small amounts will be needed to grow our food. Because of the closed system, pesticides are not needed in vertical farming, meaning no human exposure to chemicals and that the crops grown would be organic. Certain companies produce these vertical farms in shipping containers, meaning they could even be stacked on top of each other, saving precious land. As the population grows and more people are seeking for land to live on, being able to build farms upwards instead of sidewards will allow huge amounts of land to become free. Lastly, the farms create a way less gruelling work environment for the farmers and relies more heavily on technology than human labour. The downside to these farms is the cost of them, as they are still quite expensive and not an option for many farmers. As the future works to become more sustainable, vertical farms are one of the best solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and human labour!
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Bossa Nova means NEW WAVE. We are here to build the bridge between Generation Z and the food industry in order to create a NEW WAY of functioning sustainably, innovatively, and creatively.

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