If you are focused on environmental sustainability, you may have heard of something called regenerative agriculture and its benefit to the environment. Turns out, regenerative agriculture practices have a great impact on the environment and the farmer, making them ideal for farmers. The idea behind regenerative agriculture is that farming practices should not only not harm the environment, but actually replenish it. It includes using less or no chemicals, using biodiverse practices, and using no GMO’s. One of the biggest benefits of regenerative agriculture is that it focuses greatly on soil health, which has many benefits to the land around the farm. The healthier the soil is, the healthier everything that feeds off of it is, meaning animals, water sources, and crops benefit. These practices, such as crop rotation and minimal tillage, protect the soil and even reduce the carbon dioxide output of the field. Biodiverse practices, such as planting multiple types of crops together and having animals on the field, make it so that the field mimics a natural ecosystem and therefore restores many elements of said systems. This can lead to higher amounts of bees, higher pollination, cleaner water, and more. Regenerative agriculture allows the farm to be as healthy and “natural” as possible, which means its impact on the environment goes way down. These farming practices overlap with some other, such as organic farming, but can vary between regions. Overall, the more regenerative agricultural practices we can help our farmers implement, the better for the environment and our future.
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Bossa Nova means NEW WAVE. We are here to build the bridge between Generation Z and the food industry in order to create a NEW WAY of functioning sustainably, innovatively, and creatively.

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