‘Organic’ and ‘GMO-free’ have both been labels that are showing up more often in recent years. As the shift for sustainability and health continues to happen, the popularity of products with these qualifications has only grown. However, they do not mean the same things, which can be confusing if you are not sure exactly what you’re looking for.
Organic is a farming practice that prohibits the use of certain agricultural practices, like using pesticides, GMO’s, and using any chemical products. On the other hand, it encourages environmental sustainability, protecting biodiversity, and using natural alternatives. The usage of GMOs is not allowed under any circumstances in organic farming, meaning that if something is organic, it is also GMO free. When buying organic products, it is important to look for proper labels by certified organizations, as companies can claim to be organic when they are actually not.
GMO-free means that the product has no genetically modified organisms in it. Though GMOs can have a very bad reputation, they are not always a negative thing and have allowed us to improve many products by making them healthier and stronger. However, many do choose to not consume GMOs because they prefer the ‘natural’ version. A product can be GMO free but not organic, meaning the two terms are not interchangeable both ways.
Overall, both organic and GMO-free products are great options as a consumer! It is important to keep in mind that they are not interchangeable both ways and that they mean different things!