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This vs. That: Low Fat and Whole Milk

When it comes to fat percentages in milk, there are plenty of choices to choose from. Whether it’s no-fat, low-fat, or whole milk, there is something for everybody. Today, we’ll explore the differences between low fat and whole milk, and what they both mean for your health.

Low-fat milk, also known as reduced-fat milk, contain about 2% fat. This milk has been processed in order to strip it of some of its fat content. Through the processing, the milk loses some of its vitamins, which means that they are later added through fortification. The protein and calcium levels stay consistent with whole milk. Low-fat milk often has fewer calories than whole milk, but has also been processed and has added vitamins, which can be an issue for some.

Whole milk contains around 3.25% fat and is unchanged from its original fat percentage. It contains less vitamins than low-fat milk, but the vitamins are ones that are naturally found in the milk, while low-fat milk has added vitamins. The milk has more calories than low-fat milk, but has actually been linked to helping people maintain/lose weight. Whole milk is also very healthy and can provide protection against some diseases.

Overall, both are great and healthy options, which means the choice is up to you! Next time you are conflicted about which kind of milk to buy, remember this article to make the right choice for you!


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