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This vs. That: Cow's Milk and Almond Milk

Over the last two decades, the popularity of plant-based milks, especially almond milk, has soared, which has naturally caused people to want to know the benefits of it in comparison to cow’s milk. The two milks have different production processes, different benefits, and unique flavours. Today we are going to explore the differences between the two so that you can make an informed decision the next time that you reach for them on the shelf of the grocery store.

COW’S MILK is less processed than almond milk and has less ingredients and additives. The milk comes from the cow, gets pasteurized, and then vitamin A and D are added to it. Aside from that, packaging, and transporting, the milk is not processed any farther. This means no added sugar or flavouring. Cow’s milk has also found to have more protein than almond milk. Though it has great benefits, cow’s milk is significantly less environmentally-friendly than almond milk. Methane released by cows is responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions, which is problem is something that the dairy industry is working to solve.

ALMOND MILK has a similar amount of the nutrients that cow’s milk has because it was made to resemble it. Many of the same minerals and vitamins can be found in similar quantities within both almond and cow’s milk, which makes it a great choice for those who cannot consume cow’s milk due to allergies or dietary restrictions. Almond milk, however, is more processed than cow’s milk and has more ingredients, with many having added sugar. Though the excess sugar and processing can reduce it’s dietary efficiency, almond milk is more environmentally-friendly than cow’s milk. No animals are involved in the process, and despite the fact that no almond milk is carbon-neutral or negative, it has a lesser effect on climate change than cow’s milk does.

Both cow’s milk and almond milk have their own benefits and problems, and now that you know the facts, you can make the choice that is best for you and your dietary requirements!

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