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This vs. That: Beef and Lamb

Beef and lamb are both delicious meats that can be used in many different recipes. Though beef is the more common option, lamb should not be overlooked. There are key differences between the two in terms of nutrition, flavour, and cooking methods, which we will explore today.

Lamb usually has a stronger flavour profile than beef, which you can probably tell if you’ve had any Mediterranean lamb dish. An equal portion of beef and lamb have the same amount of calories, but lamb is usually richer in omega-3 fatty acids. This is good because omega-3 fatty acids are the “good” type of fat that has anti-inflammatory properties. It is rich in iron and vitamin B, which helps maintain our health and immune system. Lamb usually has less trans fat than beef.

Beef is lower in overall fat and usually provides slightly more protein than lamb. Though both are a great source of iron, beef usually has a higher percentage of iron, meaning it might be a better choice for the iron-deficient. Beef also has slightly lower amounts of saturated fat in it. A huge advantage that beef has over lamb is its vitamin B content. Though both are a great source of vitamin B, beef has higher amounts, meaning more immune system support. Calcium amounts in beef are also higher than those in lamb.

Though it might seem that one is more beneficial than the other, it is important to remember that both are a great source of all the nutrients mentioned above and that both have similar levels of each one. At the end of the day, you can choose to experiment with both meats and discover many great new dishes while enjoying the health benefits!


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